
Listerine: Bring Out the Bold


Listerine: Bring Out the Bold

We created a global campaign for Listerine, a household brand that built its name off of numbers like “99.9%” and “4 out of 5.”

We thought, well, if they use numbers to show off their germ effectiveness, why couldn’t we numbers them to show off an emotional benefit?

So we tried to statistically prove it with something we called The Study of Bold. The results gave us ammo to correlate the use of Listerine and the boldness its users often have. Is it causation? No, of course not. Correlation.

Check out our hero spot below, and much more!


The campaign went global, going live in 86 countries (which also meant plenty of politics).

We made commercials, pre-roll, out of home, and good ol’ print and radio.
And the wide range of our study meant we could be contextually and regionally relevant wherever we found a chance.


In Union Square NYC, we showed off our study
complete with a sampling station and Biz Markie.


Across 4 continents, our style and tone laid foundation for regional work.


More fun facts from our study below!